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As we learn more and more about the benefits of “going green”, more and more products are being made that are better for the environment. That includes professional cleaning products. Are you looking to help the environment, and have reliable cleaning products? Here are some reasons why you should be going green when buying your professional cleaning supplies in Florida.

Better for the Environment

When using some cleaning products, harmful chemicals can be released into the environment. “Green” products help reduce pollution to the air and minimizes the impact on ozone depletion and global climate change. Most of these products are also made from recyclable packaging.

Safer for You

Some conventional cleaning products can be dangerous if they touch your skin or are even breathed in. Green products aren’t corrosive and are safer when it comes to inhalation and skin absorption.

Why should I buy professional cleaning supplies in Florida?

Safer for Animals

You’re not the only one that can have a negative reaction to chemicals in certain cleaning products. If you are going into a home with animals, those animals can also be harmed by the same chemicals. Green cleaners get the job done without leaving behind those possibly harmful chemical residues.

Just as Effective

The products that are found in “Green” cleaners are specifically combined to get the job done just as well, without the chemicals.

Do You Need Professional Cleaning Supplies in Florida?

At Excel Cleaning and Restoration, we offer “Green” products. Contact us today to learn more about how we can stock your company with “Green” and other professional cleaning supplies.

