Without a doubt, that finely-woven Oriental rug that’s been in your family for generations can still bring the room together. However, no matter how strong and durable this treasured heirloom may be, several items can totally rob it of its beauty and diminish its lifespan. You’ll need to contact your Oriental rug cleaning suppliers Florida if you spill any of these on your rug:
Tomato Sauce
A red spill on your Oriental rug constitutes an immediate 911 rug emergency because the natural red dye can rapidly stain its fibers. If you accidentally spilled tomato sauce on your precious Oriental rug, clean it as soon as possible!
Although beer spills may not leave nasty stains on your Oriental rug, they can definitely have anyone in the room turning up their noses. Since beer is made up of both chemical and organic elements, its distinct smell can still linger even after you cleaned it up. Plus, since it also causes mold and mildew to start growing, you can expect the odor to worsen.
Red Wine
Once the chromogens and tannins that make your wine naturally red hit your rug and sink into its fibers, you’ve got a problem. When it settles and sets, it can almost be impossible to remove it.
A coffee spill is nothing short of a nightmare. No matter how small the coffee stain may be, it can ruin the look of your rug. Unless you use an oxidizing agent from Oriental rug cleaning suppliers Florida, you won’t be able to remove it.
When you try to remove the ink stain, you could end up removing the ink in the rug that gives it its color or design.
Looking for Oriental Rug Cleaning Suppliers Florida?
If you’re looking to find oriental rug cleaning suppliers Florida, contact Excel Cleaning and Restoration today. We have everything you need to remove the nastiest stains on your Oriental rug.